Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yesterday was a rough day.  For reasons that would be revealed as my blood pressure plummeted to a lovely 84/40, I was forgetful.  I wasn't sure I could remember my name much less my security badge, the fact that it was trash day, or my driver license.  So when I finally arrived at work half an hour late, I was brought to my knees by a gesture of kindness I never expected.

On my desk, in front of my keyboard was a box of tea.  Not just any tea... my favorite tea.  Peach passion.  The scent of which calms me even on my roughest days.  And on top of the box of tea was a sweet note from a dear friend, wishing me a good day in spite of it's rough beginning.

I can't even begin to describe my gratitude.  I am so blessed with amazing relationships, and I am never prepared for the wonderful people who are brought into my life.  Often I find myself unable to thank people enough for the kind things they do for me.  From mowing my grass to watching my kids while I nap to simply keeping me company on days when I am not good company for myself much less anyone else... these people fill my life and bless me beyond measure.

I hope beyond hope that I am able to be a blessing back.  And I want to tell those friends thank you... from the bottom of my heart.  And maybe one day, I will find a way.  Until then... maybe I can just say this...

My life is meant for relationships, and I will work my hardest to maintain the ones I have.  I promise my friends that I will love them in spite of their flaws, that I will cherish their quirks, that I will encourage their eccentricities.  Because their unique qualities make them wonderful.  And I will pray every day for blessings to overflow on my friends, for peace to pass their understanding, and for life to be interesting and wonderful and full of amazing things. 

Thank you, friends.  For tea in the morning.  For contemplation of homicidal monks.  For deep conversations at 4:00am.  For Star Trek. For the color pink.  For owls.  For singing at the tops of our lungs in the car.  For flowers.  For adventures in home improvement stores. For garage saleing.  For coffee on my porch. For silly string and food fights. For hope.  For the future.

You make my life worth living.

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